Monday, May 21, 2012

Age 3!

I was kind of emotional on the morning of Oliver's birthday, thinking of the past three years and all Oliver has brought into my life.  I kept thinking, "never have I known such joy."  By now, Oliver has a very distinct personality and I know who he is, what he likes, and often, how we will react to situations.  He is slow to warm up in new situations, then a constant chatter box.  He is FUNNY!  Chris and I often laugh out loud at the things he says.  He has a strange serious streak and tells people, "no laughing" or "too loud" at times.  Chris wonders if our own nature to be silly will make him fundamentally opposite.  He is really quite generous and I'm happy to say we've had almost zero problems with sharing.  He is gentle.  I've noticed lots (most) 3 year old boys play rough, but Ollie is really gentle.  He is sweet to his baby cousin Annabelle and gently hugs her.  He loves reading books, he loves trains, he loves any activities like playdoh or crafts.  He often asks to make "valentines" for his extended family.  

Parenting is hard and exhausting, and the older her gets, the more baffling it seems.  The conversations are getting more complex on how to be the best parent possible (most recently protection vs. adventure), but in the end, I truly have never known such joy.  I cherish the moments when we cuddle together, read books or nap and he puts his arms around me.  He asks for hugs and kisses every time I leave the house.  I know my heart is physically bigger for him.

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