Friday, February 24, 2012

The things Ollie says!

Oliver says the darndest things lately, full of wit, rational thought, excellent memory, creativity and silly.

Sitting on one barstool, getting ready to cross to the other: "Im crossing the bridge"

While playing blocks: "Let's make a helicopter!"

Sitting next to me during oatmeal breakfast: "Oh Mommy, you get email? Ohhhh."

Singing randomly: "Watching the peoples, watching the peoples, watching the peoples!"

Upon first waking up, looking outside, Woody dangling from his hand, singing: "Its cold outside, its snow, it's cold for boots."

I've also noticed how strong his memory has become. He remembers things from weeks ago, even months ago, with the tiniest trigger or cue.

He also is keenly observant! Inevitably as we drive down the street he'll say, "Look Mommy, a turtle!" I then proceed to look all over, not seeing anything, until the bus moves and lo and behold, a TURTLE!

Almost 3! Amazing little guy.