Oliver likes to sing-song, "OllieMommyDaddyMookie." Pretty cute.
His imagination has exploded all of a sudden. Recently we were at dinner and he declared his corn muffin was a dinosaur and proceeded to march it back and forth across the table, "rarr!" and all. We also made play-doh recently and he just LOVEs it. He can play for a solid hour easily (attention span boom) and makes all sorts of animals, shapes and stories.
He remembers things that amaze me. We raced rubber duckies at the pumpkin farm yesterday and he woke up today talking about the blue duckie who had won. He also often tells me things about daycare, like about their dance parties, what "Leli" (eli) or "Lelo" (leo) said or did. He also understands what we are doing in a new way. On the way into the farm yesterday I asked him if he wanted some apples and he told me, "No, pick pumpkin!"
His favorite TV show is "Good Luck Charlie" on Disney Channel, which is a family sitcom with an adorable little girl named Charlie and he loves her. I'm surprised he likes a non-animated show, but he sure does. Not going to lie - Chris and I find it pretty charming too.
He does NOT know his colors - at all. "Purple, Orange, Yellow, Blue!" but never for the right color.
He continues to get taller but not gain any weight. He's been hovering at 31lbs for close to a year.
He has had some trouble falling asleep (I can't believe he hasn't climbed out of the crib yet) but for the most part (knock on wood) sleeps through the night. He still has to sleep with his Nuk, his baby, baby's Nuk and about 10 stuffed animals. I've decided I'm not worried about the Nuk thing. He only uses it in his crib and it's becoming more of a toy than true soother.
There are times he tells me things or marches around the house and seems so grown up I could cry. I think I've loved about every month more than the last, often remarking that I "love this age" (ignoring the bad days or moments he wants nothing to do with me). He's just so much of a kid now with more complicated thoughts and quirky thinking and hilarious toddler comments. He likes to tell me, "No Mommy, I big boy!"