Sunday, November 21, 2010

Active Oliver

Ollie is a tornado these days - literally constant motion. He gets into everything and anything in no time at all and I feel like I spend my home time with him chasing him around the condo (an activity that makes me insane), putting pots back into cupboards, pulling lotions and deodorant out of the toilet, putting logs back in the fire, closing doors and re-hanging towels. I also spend lots of time pulling him out or rooms, out of closets or out of the dishwasher or dryer. This simple action often leaves him splayed on the floor half crying and half pouting. We also spend lots of time playing up/down up/down. He likes to be near me and see what I'm doing, whether it's tooth brushing, makup application, dishes, cooking or computer work, so there is lots of up/down. It's exhausting and there are lots of moments, particularly when Chris is gone, that I end up feeling a little crazy from the repetitive and monotonous chase. I hate those moments where I feel like I don't know what to do with him. His attention span is so short right now, so books, blocks or games last about 3 minutes and he's off again. I often just plain feel like I have no idea what to do with this kid! I think I am the best mom when I take him places, go places, play outside, so errands and explore, but I also don't want to over-plan his life and end up with a kid who goes from activity to class, though I totally get why parents do that! I do think there is a lesson for me in the downtime, choosing to just play, crawl around, walk around, BE in our home. I work diligently to have solid times when I avoid the computer or phone, to just BE with him.

In the midst of his tornado behavior I also see him growing. He's getting sillier by the day with much more understanding of how to make people laugh, how to make jokes and illicit laughter. I love the moments when I do catch him deep in thought, figuring something out, working hard to stack blocks or reading a book. He has a new shopping cart and he works very hard to pack as many items as he can into the cart on his condo shopping sprees. His mind is obviously expanding.

He repeats more and more words, even "Santa" and "Christmas" yesterday. I was trying to teach him to say "one" when he is asked his age, and I'd hold his finger up and say, "I'm ONE" and he'd respond, "Set go!!" Clearly his favorite phrase of the moment.






Sunday, November 14, 2010

I can't wait for Oliver to get more into playing dress up! It was one of my favorite things as a kid and I think he'll love it someday. For now, getting propped into Mommy's heels is fun enough.


Could we someday actually attend football games??


The beginning of the Thanks

We celebrated an early Thanksgiving with my dearest Chicago friends today and it was wonderful. Chris asked everyone to share some of their personal reasons for gratitude and I was flooded with my own. As I sat listening to my urban family sharing the joys of their lives, with my adorable toddler chomping on turkey next to me, my devoted and remarkable husband next to him, my incredible brother and best friend across the table, Ollie's godparents nearby and people who know me and love me exactly how I am, I felt very full. I love Thanksgiving, I love the whole month and try to do my best to be thankful every day.

Today I shared that I am thankful for my families, the Hozacs, the Hoffs and the Berzacs.
I am thankful for how motherhood has changed me.
I am thankful for running.
I am thankful for a job where I am good at doing good.




Sunday, November 7, 2010

Some new words...

Ollie does lots of random repeats, but here are some of his own words this week!

"WaWa" for water
"Shoo" for shoes
"Ouww" for outside
Up for "pick me up"
Nigh Nigh for "I'm tired"
Daa for "all done"
"Uh ohh" for anything spilled, dropped or thrown on the floor

18 month old Oliver, comin' round the bend.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Working Mom

It can be tough to be a working mom. There are long days away from my son and sometimes I miss him so much it hurts. I mostly hate the feeling that I miss out on little stuff, small developments, new words, new experiences. These past 18 months have been a real blessing for me in that Chris has been home most of the time while he's been in grad school. It's allowed us flexibility in scheduling, a parent with our child, and most importantly, it gets me as close as possible to being a part of his days. Most days I get text messages with pictures of Oliver in their adventures and messages to Mommy.

They are a small little something that make a huge difference.

"Here's my new spot."

One of the first full tantrums caught on iPhone.
This one related to his passion for Nutrigrain bars.

On an overnight trip away I called to sing him a song and this was the reaction I got to see a few minutes later.

Nigh Night Mommy!

Daddy attempted field trip to the park cut short by an impromptu nap.

2 Ollie-isms

Oliver has learned lots lately! Two of my favorites:

1. He's learned "Ready, Set, Goooo!" He loves to respond to us with the "set go" part and uses it with cars, before smashing towers of blocks, or especially when we're walking together and he swings between our arms. He's also getting into more occasions that require discipline and did really well with good ole "1, 2, 3" to stop something (knocking over lamps, running into parking lots and eating dog food).
Last night he was pulling Mookie's tail and I told him to stop and went into counting.
Mommy: "Oliver, stop pulling Mookie's tail."
Oliver: Smirk
Mommy: "ok, 1...."
Oliver: "set, go!"


2. He's learned the art of hugging! Well, mostly. He's learned that a hug means putting his head against my chest and saying "aww", but no arms. Every single time he says "aww" but the arms are flat at his sides. He's a 2/3 copycat.