Wow, a 16 month old little boy lives in our house. He's practically running everywhere he goes, though still with a significant "waddle" and arm flap to his step. He's discovered the joy of the chase and loves to spend time in parks running for the gates and parking lots, only to be cut off (over and over) by his parents who swoop in to block the exit.
He babbles loudly all the time, but interestingly, there almost seem to be less words now than a month ago. He seems to be saying Mama more clearly now though, and he'll do more random repeats of single words.
He's become more aggressive with Mookie, blatantly pushing him out of the way.
He loves food, especially if it is food in Mom or Dads hands. So, I'm trying to get better about making sure all snacks and meals are at the kitchen table, so he doesn't think food happens all over the place. He's still on his bedtime bottles, and we still need to cut those out, but you know, every night it seems like it won't hurt to just wait one more! Mostly he's been sleeping well, 2 good naps (especially when Daddy is in charge!) and 12 hours at night, with usually one diaper change around 5am. He has regressed in bedtimes this week, often laying down (sleeping?) for about 30 minutes and then screaming until we get him back up for 20 minutes of bonus playtime.
He's vaguely enjoying the Aquababies class with Dad, though not so interested in blowing bubbles of floating.
He thinks it's hilarious to take off his diapers in the few seconds between diaper and pants, oy.
He also thinks it's pretty funny to go after something naughty (sitting in the fireplace for example) and stop mid-act, turn around to look at us with a winning grin, then attempt to proceed with a giggle.
I'm actually excited to Fall with him and excited for how much more fun pumpkin patches, Halloween costumes, hayrides and raking leaves will be with a toddler. I might even attempt to sew his costume this year, like a good ole mommy.

He babbles loudly all the time, but interestingly, there almost seem to be less words now than a month ago. He seems to be saying Mama more clearly now though, and he'll do more random repeats of single words.
He's become more aggressive with Mookie, blatantly pushing him out of the way.
He loves food, especially if it is food in Mom or Dads hands. So, I'm trying to get better about making sure all snacks and meals are at the kitchen table, so he doesn't think food happens all over the place. He's still on his bedtime bottles, and we still need to cut those out, but you know, every night it seems like it won't hurt to just wait one more! Mostly he's been sleeping well, 2 good naps (especially when Daddy is in charge!) and 12 hours at night, with usually one diaper change around 5am. He has regressed in bedtimes this week, often laying down (sleeping?) for about 30 minutes and then screaming until we get him back up for 20 minutes of bonus playtime.
He's vaguely enjoying the Aquababies class with Dad, though not so interested in blowing bubbles of floating.
He thinks it's hilarious to take off his diapers in the few seconds between diaper and pants, oy.
He also thinks it's pretty funny to go after something naughty (sitting in the fireplace for example) and stop mid-act, turn around to look at us with a winning grin, then attempt to proceed with a giggle.
I'm actually excited to Fall with him and excited for how much more fun pumpkin patches, Halloween costumes, hayrides and raking leaves will be with a toddler. I might even attempt to sew his costume this year, like a good ole mommy.