Oliver at 15 months: happy, curious, cuddly, sweet, fast, exploratory, demanding, delightful.

Fluffy and ready to roll

Needy and fussy

Tricky, smart and silly
Since learning to walk, Oliver hasn't looked back. I keep wondering if he'll crawl again, but he hasn't once. While playing at the park recently he couldn't quite figure out how to walk down a ramp, the slope being too sharp, so he went down to his knees. Fooled me though, he thought it made sense to go down like Superman, on his belly, arms out! Though the slope was too flat for that option too. He also independently walked up to a slide, sat down, scooted to the front and went straight down. Big boy stuff!
He likes to fold his arms and rest his chin, on the kitchen table, on Dad's head when being carried on shoulders.
Yesterday morning he was playing in the bathroom while I did my makeup and he disappeared. I ran out to find that he had plunged a roll of wrapping paper into the toilet.
He has found out dryer and turns it on all the time, also turns off our furnace switch.
He asks for things he wants and has much more memory for where things are kept, what's left on tables, etc. He'll come back to the kitchen counter and reach and whine "no no no" which translates to, "can I please have my sippy cup that you left there an hour ago?"
He sleeps 12-13 hours in the night with another 3-4 hours of naps in the day. Active baby! More often than not the night is straight though, no waking up! With that came a realization that without realizing it, I no longer rock him to sleep. I cuddle him before bed and sing songs, but it's been over 2 months since he fell asleep on my chest and I carefully transferred him to his crib.
He is working on words, still mostly "no" and "banana", but he also dabbles with dada, mama, doggy, ball, outside, vroom vroom, and YES.